Monday, March 26, 2012

Photographic Evidence ( Animoto Video )

Lithosphere: summary
Theory of plate tectonic:
Plate tectonic is a structure of earth that is in  different pieces of earth. It has different parts. There is also theory of plate tectonics that is a theory of structure of the earth. It shows us how the plates move and how it's work. Another convection currents is a movement of molecules with in fluids (gases, liquid) and how it help plates to move around. This all system call continental drift.
Normal Fault:
There is different types of faults the one of them is normal faults that breaks in rock when rocks moves down. The other one is reverse/ thrust that moves in upwards. And the other one is strike-slip that past rocks from each other.
Continental Drift:
Continental drift is a hypothesis that one continents formed single landmass, and then it get broken in many pieces and it get separate in many parts the first creator who searched about how the drift were created, his name is Alfred Wegener he also searched about pangaea how it was look like and after that how it got change in different continent formation. He also prove that some evidence are puzzle, fossils, rocks, record, and mountain range. He found this in 300 million year ago.

Asthenosphere: Summary
There is different types of boundaries. The one of them is divergent Boundary it is causes ridges it mostly happening when two plates move away. And the other one is convergent boundary when two plates come together, when they come together they forms mountains. Transform mostly causes earthquakes it's happen when two plates past from each other. Hot spot is the earth surface area where is volcano happening it's a causes of lava/ magama.

Photographic Evidence: Summary
There are many types of boundaries. There is convergent boundary. Convergent boundary is when two plates come together and make a mountain. Subduction Zone is when two plates come together and one goes to another one. It happens when there is continental and oceanic plates. Oceanic plate goes under it's heavy. Divergent boundary is when two plates move away then Mid-ocean and Rift Valleys happen. There is also Transform boundary when two plates past from each other and it effected by earthquake. Fault zone is when two plates goes up and down and slide from each other then earthquake happens. Earthquake happens when earth shakes and it's destroy things like houses, buildings, and its also effected by tsunami. Tsunami mostly happens when earthquake happens under ocean it destroys things, houses, streetlights, and any thing that comes in its way. Hot spot is the hottest place in the earth and its effect Volcanoes.

Critical Thinking Question- 
Do you agree or disagree with the theory of plate tectonic? Why or Why not?
 I agree with the theory of plate tectonic because when I learn about these layers they tell us everything about the plate tectonic even they have a lot of evidence to prove that the earth's plates move and which are also causing natural diseases. Scientists have been proved that many year's ago and they searched about this many times that they prove.The evidence are that we could prove is there are some plate's that moves are plate  boundary, convection current, and continental drift.
Plate boundary is a evidence that prove 3 different types of boundaries and also the causes of boundaries like earthquake, volcanoes, tsunami, trenches, and mid-ocean ridges and mountains. convection current that shows us the earth's plates move 3 inches every year. And the other one is continental drift that is a evidence, that shows us the 300 million years ago the earth was in Pangaea after that it started to broke in many pieces and it got change. These are the evidences that shows us that the earth's moves.

1) What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
I really enjoy in this project because it's really interesting project I learned about earth parts, earthquake, volcanoes and different parts of earth's.
2) What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
In this project every thing was easy for me I really enjoy in this project nothing was difficult that was challenge for me.
3) What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
I learn about this project is how earth moves and how earthquake happens and how Tsunami come and also I learned about volcanoes.
4) Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
No because I have done with every thing and there is nothing to improve.

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